Thursday, May 20, 2010

bad sleep, more dreams

paul kelly, the singer, wants me. he messages me on facebook to tell me so. he keeps contacting me. i'm sort of flattered, because it's paul kelly, but i'm not sure. because i'm sort of seeing somebody. and i'm staying in a room out the back of an old house and paul from melbourne is there too. too many pauls.

i remember that i'd met with 2 potential supervisors from UTS, but forgot to tell them that i'm staying at UNSW. i can't quite remember who they were. one seemed a lot like larissa behrendt, and i'd met with her in my kitchen, where she told me i'd lots of work to do. i liked her. the other supervisor is hazy. but i remember that they were both nice, and as some time had slipped it would now be awkward to tell them i don't need them. as far as they knew, they were my real supervisors. i felt really awful, but still couldn't tell them.

i'm at my brother's house (which is not his real house). my whole family is there. i'm with a partner, but i have no recollection of who this is. we give my brother and sister-in-law really crappy, cheap gifts. everyone else gives they something decent. i try to hide one of ours, pretending i'm keeping it away from the kids. at one point my niece is sitting in a high chair, eating, but turns around to push her hands into a piece of stretched white plastic behind her. it's very stretchy. i'm on the other side, so push it also, playing with her. it's fun, until i grab both her hands and then she freaks out and stops playing.

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