i found myself editing it as i watched. i think i need to make a new version. it will be set in regional australia, and be more of a love story between françois and serge. i mean, it's already a love story, but it needs a bit of a make-over.

main scenes that need altering:
when serge has dirt on the seat of his pants, françois, while they have that chat, will say 'turn around' and lightly pat the dirt off his butt. this fits with their other scenes of touching each other.
when françois bonds with yvonne, and she says 'this one feels different', he will also put his hand to her pregnant belly. doing so, they will look each other in the eye. a moment of transference.
in the dance scene, amongst the female-male and female-female dancers, when françois and serge are standing amidst them and talking, they will in fact be dancing. not necessarily homoerotic, but it would just make sense. another scene of touching. and some eye to eye moments. okay, it would be erotic.
at some point, towards the end, marie would have a monologue. she deserves one. she needs to say something so she doesn't just become the immoral slut archetype.
i could write more on the final scene, but i won't, so as not to spoil. but i would like to add a teardrop to someone's face.
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