Thursday, December 11, 2008


today my panel happened. the panel decided to recommend my upgrade to a phd, with the support of my supervisors. so it's all done. and it seems unlikely that it won't go ahead. phew.

my laziness has continued throughout the week. yesterday i came to uni and spent most of my time reading emails. then i filled out my 5-page progress report. it was easier than i thought. i also ate lots of chocolate. peppermint filled. and then i wrote emails. did not study.

today i had an extended breakfast with a friend in surry hills. i mean, east redfern. got to uni a few hours before the panel. did not prepare.

but it was fine. now i still don't want to study. i've just selected some books from my shelf to take back to newcastle. always a difficult choice.

in less than 50 days i'll be living in sydney again. enmore. my books will be within reach. i will feel like a student. i will have a room of my own. i'm excited by the prospects of making a new home. one that's more than a temporary stay. i think 2009 will be my year of structure, stability, routine, and discipline. the things i had to run from in order to want.

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