Monday, June 2, 2008

death to old words

i didn't much leave the house this weekend. only to accompany mark in his house-hunting. finding a house that i'm likely to spend a lot of time in, though it will not be mine. so i try to stand back and let mark find his place. it's difficult. but what was he thinking when considering the smelly place next to the train line with a pink and yellow room and shells in the toilet seat?

now he's been offered a place. and soon the box packing will begin.

monday: i'd normally be in sydney. but i stayed in newcastle and read about radical empiricism. amused that i was reading the work of michael jackson. the guy who founded phenomenological anthropology, not the moonwalk.

i finally put in my passport application. i lunched with vanessa. i held back from the obsessive sorting that swallowed my weekend.

on saturday night i forfeited a friend's party so i could sit on the loungeroom floor and tear up pages of horrible writing from many years ago. that was quite satisfying.

"Use, not logic, conditions belief" - Michael Jackson

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